Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A Lot of Doubles ©2013 by Joe Sixtop all rights reserved

     I like waiting tables OK, I just wish I had more say over when I do it. That's an at least somewhat true statement I guess, but it's also a joke I made up. I've said it at work a time or two over the years and it's always gotten a little chuckle from somebody. Feel free to use it yourself if you want. Nobody reads These American Servers™—especially after its just-ended little hiatus here—so you'll have scant reason to fear any accusations of plagarism.
     I go to work at the AM job about five days a week. I go to the night gig about five times a week too. So I wind up working a lot of doubles. At least, they're doubles to me. Unfortunately, work doesn't see it that way. If you spend two hours working a very slow lunch and get a nice long break before returning for the dinner shift, you're a double and your managers just have to get you out of there QUICK! But no matter what difficulties you may face every day, med school, a demanding other job, taking care of your kids, sleeping off the Budweiser® flu, whatever—if you didn't do it at that restaurant, you're not a double and they'll cheerfully keep your ass there until the woeful Chicago Cubs win something and really, there's nothing you can do about it.
     The other night, a co-worker named Kyle and I were assigned station one, an eight-table section up near the front of the restaurant. After volume slows, one of the servers for that area gets cut, while the other one stays until almost close. Kyle told me an amusing story about how he'd been 15 minutes late at that job that morning and been sent home. He suffered no other sanctions, not even a write-up.
      Then our tables filled up. That's when Kyle and I had to do some, you know, actual work for a minute. Then it slowed down. Kyle got cut. I didn't. Bummer, 'cause I was on the second part of a double (by my lights, anyway) and really wanted to go. I asked Kyle if he wanted to stay and let me be cut. He'd missed out on some money when he punted his lunch shift that morning and agreed to stay. Hell, he seemed to feel like I was doing a favor for him and I don't have a problem with him feeling like that. We asked a manager if it was OK and she reluctantly (WTF?) agreed. I did my sidework and got out of there at a decent hour, which was really cool, especially being as how I had another double the next day. On my way out the door I noticed that Kyle had a couple of decent-looking tables.


  1. Good to see you back, Joe! Sounds like you're working WAY too much ... well, whatever you gotta do, I guess. Great to be reading you again, though. Great post, as always. (Hope I've at last figured out how to comment on here ... tried off and on for months, but couldn't get it to stick.)

    1. I think ya got it figured out and I'm glad ya did. I'm a really big fan of LOACN & I really dig it that you check out my trivial adventures. I'm trying to work it out so I work just enough and not too much...

  2. I started to work some doubles too and notice the difference. Getting up at 7Am this morning with the kids going to school was a little more difficult. However I don't mind the money. Nice to hear how you are doing.

    1. Hey, great to hear from ya. That getting up at 7:00 AM and then working a double has got to be brutal. Yea, I've noticed that whenever I'm working a lot of doubles,I'm rarely hurting for money, altho' I mite be miserable in other ways...

  3. I avoid doubles like the plague. They hurt when I was 25, but now they are just miserable.
    Good to have you back and writing!

    1. Thanks and great to be back and have you reading and commenting! Doubles are OK, I just want to be early out and I'll work a lot of them. Big ups to your boss for 86ing that difficult client..
